
Video is widely used in life sciences, such as to record movement or changes in colour, shape and size, because it offers greater depth and interactive insight, especially when it is synchronized with quantitative data recordings.


Visual communication is an extremely effective and accurate method of sharing information because it provides greater qualitative detail and a deeper understanding, when compared to standard descriptive text. Therefore, video technology was soon incorporated by scientists to record and describe their work because it offers many practical advantages.

Currently, video recordings are widely used in life sciences such as in psychophysiology, exercise physiology and cardiovascular physiology, especially when related to recording movement or changes in colour, shape and size. Synching video recordings with quantitative data recordings also provide further interactive insight. Therefore, for validation and reproducibility, the usual factors that are considered when recording videos include colour, position, duration, resolution, speed and synchronization.

LabChart LabChart

All your analysis in one place

LabChart software is designed specifically for life science data and provides up to 32 channels for data display and analysis options that are powerful and easy to use. With auto-recognition of ADI and LabChart Compatible hardware, multi-window views, one touch recording, simultaneous recording from multiple devices, specialized preconfigured settings, easy sharing options and an interface that can be customized to show only the features you want to use.

Features and Add-Ons

Additional acquisition and analysis options to support your Video analysis:

LabChart Lightning
LabChart Lightning
Play video

Data acquisition and analysis re-imagined.

Make unique discoveries with unlimited freedom and flexibility.

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