Non-Invasive Blood Pressure

NIBP Recording & Analysis Machines

Non-invasive Blood Pressure (NIBP) recording for cardiovascular research gives you the ability to  capture continuous blood pressure data over long sampling periods easily, and with increased comfort for your subject. 

Reliably record and monitor NIBP trends in response to interventions on finger arterial pressure, systolic, diastolic, mean arterial, heart rate and interbeat interval. Automatically adjust for hydrostatic pressure changes due to movement with the height correction unit (HCU).

With our Human NIBP system you can stream data directly into LabChart for easy analysis, as well as simultaneously acquire additional physiological signals by adding a PowerLab data acquisition system. 

Human NIBP Nano
Products and Solutions

Stream NIBP data directly in LabChart

Stream NIBP data directly in LabChart

Participant comfort over long sampling periods

Participant comfort over long sampling periods

Integrate with other physiological recording options with a PowerLab

Integrate with other physiological recording options with a PowerLab

NIBP Monitoring Machines and Solutions from ADInstruments

In conjunction with our complete NIBP system shown below, any device (i.e. ergometer, exercise bike, treadmill) with an analog output (+/- 10V) can be connected to a PowerLab data acquisition system for synchronization of event in LabChart. So you have even more flexibility and can integrate all your data streams in one place.

ADInstruments’ non-invasive blood pressure monitoring machines permit the continuous measurement and recording of arterial pressure, administered in a comfortable hand-based NIBP cuff. Systolic and diastolic blood pressure measurements are acquired via finger-based oscillometric blood pressure cuffs to maximize participant compliance. Specialized signal transducers measure blood pressure by converting analog to digital blood pressure values, while integration with LabChart streamlines both NIBP measurement and analysis.

Our NIBP monitoring machines interface directly with LabChart; however, integration with PowerLab enables parallel biosignal collection, permitting time-coupling with measures such as heart rate, ECG, blood flow, and SpO2. Additionally, LabChart software algorithms permit the detection of hypotension, hypertension, and arrhythmia. The software package enables calculation of a variety of properties including mean arterial pressure (mmHg) and heart rate variability, as well as a host of waveform and cycle parameters. The ability to collect multiple parameters in parallel coupled with powerful software analysis makes our NIBP recording and analysis machines an indispensable tool for researchers in both healthcare and academia.

Noninvasive blood pressure measurement through an NIBP device is a more reliable continuous blood pressure monitoring method than the auscultatory method, and safer than invasive arterial blood pressure monitoring. Accurate continuous monitoring of systolic BP and diastolic BP throughout experiments, for both humans and animals, is crucial in the assessment of arterial BP challenges and treatments. NIBP recording and analysis machines ensure accurate and reliable BP measurement for the duration of your research. 

All of our hardware recommended for human use is backed by the appropriate safety certification standards. More information on safety standards.

Complete Systems or Kits

Typical Studies
Baroreflex and autonomic response
Autonomic effects of exercise
Cardiovascular disease and hypertension
Orthostatic hypotension

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Flexible Data Acquisition

ADInstruments systems provide an integrated solution to advance life science research. With the combination of LabChart or LabChart Lightning analysis software and a PowerLab data acquisition unit, you have the flexibility to collect and synchronize a wide range of signals for analysis. We also offer a range of LabChart compatible solutions able to stream directly in LabChart.


LabChart data analysis software creates a platform for all of your recording devices to work together, allowing you to acquire biological signals from multiple sources simultaneously and apply advanced calculations and plots as your experiment unfolds.

LabChart Lightning

Data acquisition and analysis re-imagined. Make unique discoveries with unlimited freedom and flexibility.


High-performance data acquisition hardware designed for life science research. PowerLab is engineered for precise, consistent, reliable data acquisition, giving you the reproducible data you need while meeting the strictest international safety standards.

PowerLab C

A modular data acquisition foundation system that provides unparalleled flexibility for researchers looking to invest in customizable, reliable solutions for both now, and in the future.

All your analysis in one place

LabChart software is designed specifically for life science data and provides up to 32 channels for data display and analysis options that are powerful and easy to use. With auto-recognition of ADI and LabChart Compatible hardware, multi-window views, one touch recording, simultaneous recording from multiple devices, specialized preconfigured settings, easy sharing options and an interface that can be customized to show only the features you want to use.


Features and Add-Ons

Additional acquisition and analysis options to support your Non-Invasive Blood Pressure analysis:

LabChart Lightning
LabChart Lightning
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Data acquisition and analysis re-imagined.

Make unique discoveries with unlimited freedom and flexibility.

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